Following our previous articles 3 core principles of the Defensive Phase Pt.1 and 3 core principles of the Defensive Phase Pt.2, we are going to develop our approach to offensive soccer through our professional methodology. And now it’s time for the attacking concepts.
Often when we think of attacking we associate it with the genius or quality of the players, but there is a lot to work on and many concepts to learn. It’s more complex than it seems. In B1 Soccer Academy, we are going to teach you the basic offensive principles through this article.
In this post, we are going to develop 3 of the 5 basic offensive principles for an organized attack. Their fulfillment allows the team to obtain favorable conditions for a satisfactory result, destabilizing the opponent’s defense with effective technical-tactical actions. The principles of our own B1 offensive methodology are penetration, offensive coverage, mobility, space, and unity.
Principle of Penetration
The principle of penetration is characterized by the evolution of the game in situations where the player who has the ball can advance towards the opponent’s goal, looking for areas of the field that offer greater risk to the opponent, and are likely for the continuation of offensive actions, for the completion or scoring a goal.
It is essential to create disorganization in the rival defense in order to achieve a favorable offensive environment of penetration in space and numerical terms. The objective is that players with and without the ball move forward into the opponent’s area and increase the chances of scoring a goal.
The characteristic action of the penetration principle is dribbling. It helps to gain space and directs the player in ball possession towards the opponent’s goal, where he can finish, cross or pass to a teammate. Keep in mind that the player who dribbles has a higher risk of losing possession, so it must be in the rival’s field.
Another penetration option is 1×0, in which the player with the ball moves towards the opponent’s goal with no opponents in the attacking space.
Principle of Offensive Cover
The principle of offensive coverage is related to the approaching actions of the teammates of the player with possession, its aim is to give him more options in the attack to give continuity to the game, bypassing or by penetration in the opponent’s defense. The teammates accompany the player with possession, to receive the ball, give continuity to the play by making one-two or triangulations with him.
At B1 Soccer Academy, through our professional methodology propose the 4-3-3 formation, which provides a minimum of 3 short passes to the player with the ball. Supporting the teammate with ball possession will create a collective imbalance to the opposing defense, as well as a greater possibility of an early recovering of the ball in case rival’s stealing possession.
It is considered that the player has completed the principle of offensive coverage when opens the possibility of a passing line to the ball carrier. The distance between the player with the ball and his support changes depending on the technical-tactical, physical, and psychological characteristics of the opponent, his strategy, weather, and field conditions, and the place of the ball on the field.
At this point, the variables to be considered in offensive coverage are multiple, so players and coaches must take them into account in order to perform offensive coverage. For example, if the playing pitch is in bad condition, or the weather conditions are rough, the player performing an offensive coverage will position himself farther away, in order to receive the ball with less pressure from the opponent and to be able to control the ball in a proper way.
Principle of Mobility (Lose the mark)
The principle of mobility is based on the movements of the attacking players without ball possession, who search the optimal positions to receive the ball. The movement that breaks between rival lines is called “lose the mark”. This moves creates instability in the opponent’s defense and new spaces for the continuity of the game in the rival’s field, increasing the chances of scoring goal.
The main objective of losing the mark is to break the defensive structure, making passes behind the opponent’s back, to break through the rival lines keeping possession, creating an imbalance. This action is essential in B1 methodology, through for the realization of one-two in losing mark movement.
The spaces created by the moving players on the field must be read by the players of the team, trying to make it difficult for the opposing defense to maintain the structure. The fact of an attacking player moving around the pitch will force the defender to follow his mark, creating new spaces. At B1 Soccer Academy we give a lot of importance to collective tactics, so the whole team has to understand the movements of their teammates.
If you want to continue learning and improving with B1 Soccer Academy, stay tuned for the second part!