A new season has begun and with it comes the first news for the players of our academy. We already have the new PUMA equipments for the morning training.
Lovers of good soccer and in honor of the Dutch school’s football, orange has been the color chosen to dress the talents #B1Players.
Football breaks down barriers and unites players from all over the world. For our special presentation day we had Abdu Tariq Sulayman from Libya, Vlad Babic from Azerbaijan and Duncan Bates from Canada.
“It’s amazing to be able to share our passion with other players around the world. Everyday life and living together makes us better on and off the pitch.”
In this way, B1 Soccer Academy consolidates its collaboration agreement with PUMA for the coming seasons, continuing with the proposal of value and quality.
But this will not be the only novelty of this year because the whole B1 Soccer Academy team is working to continue offering not only new opportunities to our players, but also new sports experiences to make your stay in Barcelona an unforgettable experience.
If you want to know more about everything that awaits the #B1Players, don’t forget to follow us!