Real Sports FC from Kazakhstan in Barcelona
During the last couple of weeks, B1 Soccer Academy has been closely working and organizing a new project together with a new addition to their Partner. And this has resulted in the arrival of a selection of players from Real Sports FC, the best academy in Kazakhstan.
Continue reading “Real Sports FC from Kazakhstan in Barcelona”B1 y Tiki Taka Barcelona
Desde siempre, en B1 Soccer Academy nos ha gustado descrubrir y ampliar nuestra red de contactos para seguir sumando experiencias nacionales e internacionales. Y cuando se da una oportunidad como esta, solamente nos queda aprovecharla.
Continue reading “B1 y Tiki Taka Barcelona”B1 and Tiki Taka Barcelona
Lately, B1 Soccer Academy has been looking to expand its network nationally, but also internationally. For this reason, our commercial department has been working towards making new connexions and collaborations with companies or professionals that would see benefit from it.
Continue reading “B1 and Tiki Taka Barcelona”Japanese player joins B1 stages
Here we are again with a player presentation that is joining B1 for couple of months. This time, the talent is joining us from Japan, and we are delighted for him to have chosen B1 Soccer Academy. Welcome Kai Amasaki!
Continue reading “Japanese player joins B1 stages”B1 Coaches set to implement fourth B1 Camp in USA
With the success of the past B1 Camps in Fort Myers (FL), the B1 Soccer Academy coaches are set to travel back in order to implement what would be the fourth edition of the B1 Camp USA.
Continue reading “B1 Coaches set to implement fourth B1 Camp in USA”First-ever norwegian striker joins B1
We are back with another player presentation as our B1 squad keeps growing and diversifying in this 2022/2023 season! Indeed, after playing with us for a couple of months already, we finally have the chance to present to you our first Norwegian player at the Academy. Welcome Fabian Berntsen!
Continue reading “First-ever norwegian striker joins B1”Last trainings of the year at B1
The year is coming to an end and it is soon time for our B1 Players and staff to join their families to enjoy the festivities. 2023 will come with news and hopefully also with more players joining our B1 Family. But now it’s time to disconnect to come back with the batteries charged and enjoy with the families.
Continue reading “Last trainings of the year at B1”New Striker Alert!
It is with great pleasure that we present to you yet another talented player. This time, he comes from Nigeria with dreams of becoming an improved football player in Barcelona. He will be joining for the whole 2022/2023 season, Welcome Favour!
Continue reading “New Striker Alert!”B1 Private session with Saudi brothers
As we mentioned before, and because of the large demand for private sessions throughout the last few years, B1 Soccer Academy decided to open its doors for such practices for this 2022/2023 season. And for the first time, we have had players from Saudi Arabia join the B1 Family.
Continue reading “B1 Private session with Saudi brothers”Welcome, Calvin Mulinya from Kenya!
With the new season comes a wave of new talents from across the globe that we welcome with open arms. Indeed, a lot of players from last season took on a next step or challenge in their careers as they felt like they were ready for it. Anyways, to our great pleasure, new talented athletes are trusting B1 Soccer Academy for this 2022/23 season.
Continue reading “Welcome, Calvin Mulinya from Kenya!”Three B1 Players play for Girona FC in a friendly game
Last week, three of our B1 Players were invited by European Soccer Solutions to play in a high-level match between Girona FC and unió Esportiva Olot in the U19 category.
Continue reading “Three B1 Players play for Girona FC in a friendly game”New season, New kits
New seasons mean that there are always some big changes in B1 Soccer Academy in order to prepare in the best way possible for what is coming next. White with red, orange with black and red with black… have been some of the designs of previous years. And for the new season we have opted for a design different from the conventional.
Continue reading “New season, New kits”